3442Repair and maintenance of Internal colony road(E-1 lane Qr.no-E-1/1 to E-1/28,E-8 lane Qr.no-E-8/1 to E-8/10 and LS type, E-11 lane Qr.noE11/1 to E-1/10 and LS type, Bus stand to NH, Bus stand to OHPC colony and Central store line)at Rengali Dam site
Angul - Orissa
Contract Value :
15.18 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation
3448Roof treatment by providing and laying plastic felt on roof slabs and chajjas including grading concrete of different non-residential buildings of UIHEP, Mukhiguda with 5 years warranty
Kalahandi - Orissa
Contract Value :
14.34 Lacs |Agency Name :
Orissa Hydro Power Corporation Limited
3449Additional Air Conditioning with Variable Refrigerant Flow System as required for 1st Floor (Room no-FS-27), 2nd Floor (Room no- SS-25) and 3rd Floor (for total 21 Room) at Krushibhawan, Bhubaneswar.
Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value :
86.81 Lacs |Agency Name :
Industrial Development Corporation Orissa Limited