You have searched for orissa in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

4271 Special Repair to IIC Quarter at Police station, Harabhanga for the year 2019-20.
TRN : 765331 |  Boudh - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.76 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for special repair to iic quarter at police station, harabhanga for the year 2019-20.
4272 Making of 4 nos. of SN-528 and 4 nos. of SN-520 Cast Steel bearing Block for Belt Conveyor drive driven drum and drive shaft etc of Feeder Breaker of Jagannath OCP of Jagannath Area
4273 Non Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for environmental telemonitoring system of mine No. 3 of Orient Area, MCL, for a period of One year
4274 Annual cleaning of weigh bridge no. 10 and 11 including cleaning of control room and its surrounding at outsourcing patch Solada at Balram OCP. (for a period of 02 years) Re-Tender.
4275 Construction of cement concrete road at RR site of village Talaberena under Lingaraj Area.
TRN : 765020 |  Angul - Orissa
Contract Value : 34.34 Lacs | Agency Name : Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
Tender award for construction of cement concrete road at rr site of village talaberena under lingaraj area.
4276 Special Repair to Revenue Rest Shed Building Ghantapada for the year 2019-20.
TRN : 764873 |  Boudh - Orissa
Contract Value : 2.19 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for special repair to revenue rest shed building ghantapada for the year 2019-20.
4277 Special Repair to Building at Baragaon for the year 2019-20.
TRN : 764874 |  Boudh - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.32 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for special repair to building at baragaon for the year 2019-20.
4278 Special Repair to Building at Dahya for the year 2019-20.
TRN : 764875 |  Boudh - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.20 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for special repair to building at dahya for the year 2019-20.
4279 Special Repair to Samaleswari High School, Ghantapada for the year 2019-20.
TRN : 764876 |  Boudh - Orissa
Contract Value : 2.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for special repair to samaleswari high school, ghantapada for the year 2019-20.
4280 Special Repair to J.M.F.C. Quarter at Kantamal for the year 2019-20.
TRN : 764877 |  Boudh - Orissa
Contract Value : 2.62 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for special repair to j.m.f.c. quarter at kantamal for the year 2019-20.

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