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4551 P/R to Ballipadar Karasingi road (SH-33) such as renewal coat with SDBC from 16/922 to 17/200km, 20/065 to 20/300km, 20/600 to ,20/870km, 22/420 to 23/400km, 23/600 to 24/100km. and 26/400 to 26/670km , 27/340 to 27/430km., 27/450 to 28/510km.
4552 Special Repair to Biranchipur-Jeerabadi road (ODR) such as providing WBM, SD, PMC and SC from 4/500 to 4/900km and 5/850 to 6/900km.
4553 P/R to Kanteipalli-Sorada road (Nuagam Square) to Jhagadei via Jagada road (ODR) such as providing periodical renewal coat with SDBC between 0/000 to 15/219 km in different stretches.
4554 Special Repair to Khallikote-Boirani-Aska- Ballipadar-Bellaguntha Road (SH-30) such as providing cement concrete Paver Block in shoulder from 38/900 to 39/600 and 42/171 to 42/425 km.
4555 Special Repair to PWD Road (SH-30) to Dhanijapalli Road (ODR- Bellaguntha ULB) such as providing BM and SDBC from 0/456 to 1/100 km.
4556 P/R to Kanteipalli-Sorada road (ODR) such as providing periodical renewal coat with BM, SDBC from 3/250 to 3/450 Km., and with SDBC from 2/500 to 3/250 and 3/450 to 4/500 Km.
4557 Special Repair to Special Sub-Jail Staff Quarters at Bhanjanagar.
TRN : 758890 |  Bhanjanagar - Orissa
Contract Value : 10.74 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for special repair to special sub-jail staff quarters at bhanjanagar.
4558 Special Repair to LBD Farm at Bhanjanagar such as repair and renovation of 3 Nos. Byres of B.B.R and B.M. Farm.
TRN : 758891 |  Bhanjanagar - Orissa
Contract Value : 12.93 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for special repair to lbd farm at bhanjanagar such as repair and renovation of 3 nos. byres of b.b.r and b.m. farm.
4559 Construction of one Library Room and one multipurpose hall in first floor over the existing ground floor of Govt. Elementary Teacher Education Institution with main entrance gate at Bhanjanagar.
4560 Construction of one Library Room and one multipurpose hall in first floor over the existing ground floor of Govt. Elementary Teacher Education Institution with main entrance gate at Bhanjanagar.

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