You have searched for orissa in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

6581 Special Repair to BCA Railway station Road, SH-61 from 3.900 Km to 5.410 Km in stretches for 2019-20
TRN : 735696 |  Baripada - Orissa
Contract Value : 22.23 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for special repair to bca railway station road, sh-61 from 3.900 km to 5.410 km in stretches for 2019-20
TRN : 735988 |  Jharsuguda - Orissa
Contract Value : 5.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of mechanical crusher
6583 P/R to Jageswer-Kapileswer Road (ODR) Such as Renewal coat of SDBC from 0/0 Km to 0/502 Km for 2019-20
TRN : 735698 |  Bolangir - Orissa
Contract Value : 5.73 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for p/r to jageswer-kapileswer road (odr) such as renewal coat of sdbc from 0/0 km to 0/502 km for 2019-20
6584 Repair of Executive officer quarter
TRN : 736607 |  Ganjam - Orissa
Contract Value : 3.18 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for repair of executive officer quarter
6585 P/R to Gadvitar to NV Complex Road such as Periodical Renewal from Ch.1/300 to 3/300 Km for the year 2019-20
TRN : 735701 |  Bolangir - Orissa
Contract Value : 19.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for p/r to gadvitar to nv complex road such as periodical renewal from ch.1/300 to 3/300 km for the year 2019-20
6586 Construction of Coment Concrete Drain With Cover Plate From Raja house to Sisu Mandir Main Drain in ward no 10 Under Surada NAC.
6587 P/R to Dunguripali-Kapasira Road (ODR) Such as Renewal coat of SDBC from 6/800 Km to 8/144 Km for 2019-20
TRN : 735704 |  Bolangir - Orissa
Contract Value : 15.92 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for p/r to dunguripali-kapasira road (odr) such as renewal coat of sdbc from 6/800 km to 8/144 km for 2019-20
6588 Construction of Culvert near kalimandir of ward no 6 Under Surada NAC.
TRN : 736609 |  Ganjam - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.28 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of culvert near kalimandir of ward no 6 under surada nac.
6589 Special Repair to Govt. ITI Sonepur such as construction of students Morning Assembly Complex for 2018-19
TRN : 735706 |  Bolangir - Orissa
Contract Value : 15.32 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for special repair to govt. iti sonepur such as construction of students morning assembly complex for 2018-19
6590 Repair of Coment Concrete road near culvert at kaithpalli sahi of ward no 10 Under Surada NAC.
TRN : 736610 |  Ganjam - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.16 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for repair of coment concrete road near culvert at kaithpalli sahi of ward no 10 under surada nac.

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