You have searched for orissa in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

681 Construction of 6 nos Toilets and 1no. Bathroom with Toilet complex at Dalki PSH
TRN : 786940 |  Sundergarh - Orissa
Contract Value : 23.41 Lacs | Agency Name : Integrated Tribal Development Agency
Tender award for construction of 6 nos toilets and 1no. bathroom with toilet complex at dalki psh
682 Construction of CC road and repair of drain from Bapi Panda Shop towards Pintu Panda house and towards Sudam Das house at Apartibindha New Colony in Ward No.13
683 Construction of Soil Testing Laboratory at Sundargarh under DMF for the year 2020-21 (including EI and PH Work)
TRN : 786958 |  Sundergarh - Orissa
Contract Value : 39.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for construction of soil testing laboratory at sundargarh under dmf for the year 2020-21 (including ei and ph work)
684 Repair and Maintenance to Daipur Chhak-Asurali Road in the Dist of Bhadrak for the year 2020-21.
TRN : 786996 |  Bhadrak - Orissa
Contract Value : 17.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for repair and maintenance to daipur chhak-asurali road in the dist of bhadrak for the year 2020-21.
685 Repair to Bandhapali- Kinjirkela Road (ODR) from 5/500 Km to 26/700 Km such as WMM and SDBC for the year 2020-21
TRN : 786959 |  Sundergarh - Orissa
Contract Value : 51.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for repair to bandhapali- kinjirkela road (odr) from 5/500 km to 26/700 km such as wmm and sdbc for the year 2020-21
686 Repair and Construction of road with culvert from Jagannath Biswal house towards Jagabandhu Parida house at Dagarasahi in Ward No.4
687 P/R to Link Road to Rajgangpur from 0/0 Km to 0/800 Km and Liploi Bridge to Weekly Market Siding Chowk from 0/900 Km to 2/300 Km at Rajgangpur for the year 2020-21.
688 Repair and Maintenance to PWD Road to Kasati via-Korua in the Dist of Bhadrak for the year 2020-21.
TRN : 786997 |  Bhadrak - Orissa
Contract Value : 13.13 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for repair and maintenance to pwd road to kasati via-korua in the dist of bhadrak for the year 2020-21.
689 Strengthening of Non- Clinical Areas (Construction of Compound Wall ) at Ekma CHC of Bargaon Block under OMBADC of Sundargarh District for the year 2019-20.
690 Construction of RCC drain from Srimanta Behera house towards Santosh Nayak house at Belamala in Ward No.4

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