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9171 Construction of Maternity ward at PHC Ichhapur under Jharigam Block for the year 2018-19
TRN : 705049 |  Sunabeda - Orissa
Contract Value : 10.09 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction of maternity ward at phc ichhapur under jharigam block for the year 2018-19
9172 Improvement to Phuljhari MIP(D/W) in Chandahandi Block of Nabarangpur District under State Plan
TRN : 676567 |  Jeypur - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.01 Crore | Agency Name : Minor Irrigation Department
Tender award for improvement to phuljhari mip(d/w) in chandahandi block of nabarangpur district under state plan
9173 Construction and maintenance of Jurka (Urladani) to Sankus via Krupapadar Road under MMSY in the District of Kalahandi
TRN : 705051 |  Kalahandi - Orissa
Contract Value : 10.37 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction and maintenance of jurka (urladani) to sankus via krupapadar road under mmsy in the district of kalahandi
9174 Supplying all materials labour TP for Design Drawing Construction Testing Commissioning of 70000 ltrs capacity RCC OHT with 12 mtr staging connection of OHT construction of CW complete for RPWS to village Badkuleibira under Jamda Block
9175 Supplying all materials labour TP for Design Drawing Construction Testing Commissioning of 80000 ltrs capacity RCC OHT with 12 mtr staging connection of OHT construction of CW complete for RPWS to village Goudagaon under Jashipur Block
9176 Construction of HL Bridge over local nallah (Kolab) on Premarasi-Bedurapali road in the District of Malkangiri
TRN : 676572 |  Malkangiri - Orissa
Contract Value : 13.63 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction of hl bridge over local nallah (kolab) on premarasi-bedurapali road in the district of malkangiri
9177 Hiring of 01 no. Air Conditioned 7 seater (6 plus 1) Hard Top diesel jeep or equivalent Covered Vehicle, max 2500 Km run per month, 12 hrs duty for a period of two years (341 days per year) for GM Office, IB Valley Area.
9178 Augmentation of Piped Water Supply Scheme to village Dumurdiha in G.P. Dumurdiha under Kuliana Block of Mayurbhanj District
TRN : 676528 |  Mayurbhanji - Orissa
Contract Value : 9.63 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for augmentation of piped water supply scheme to village dumurdiha in g.p. dumurdiha under kuliana block of mayurbhanj district
9179 Laying of rising main and Distribution pipe line of HDPEGI, construction of pump houses, compound walls, RCC ESRs, UGRs,SV chambers, Standposts with other ancillary works. For piped water supply scheme to Sahaspur under Banapur block
TRN : 676531 |  Gajapati - Orissa
Contract Value : 55.82 Lacs | Agency Name : Orissa State Police Housing And Welfare Corporation Limited
Tender award for constn.of 1 no c type qtr. for secretary dlsa at paralakhemundi dist gajapati

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