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4741 Special repair to 06 x toilet blocks of OTM Accn Building No P-459 and P-460 under GE West Jalandhar Cantt
TRN : 748569 |  Jalandhar - Punjab
Contract Value : 24.57 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for special repair to 06 x toilet blocks of otm accn building no p-459 and p-460 under ge west jalandhar cantt
4742 Construction of street, ward no. 40, Phagwara
TRN : 744012 |  Phagwara - Punjab
Contract Value : 3.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of street, ward no. 40, phagwara
TRN : 748570 |  Sangrur - Punjab
Contract Value : 8.41 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for repair/replacement of internal electric wiring, fitting and fixtures at mil stn sangrur
4744 Construction of street, ward no. 24, Phagwara
TRN : 744013 |  Phagwara - Punjab
Contract Value : 2.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of street, ward no. 24, phagwara
4745 Repair/Replacement of external LT network including LT Equipment and allied works at Mil Stn Suranussi under GE Kapurthala
TRN : 748590 |  Kapurthala - Punjab
Contract Value : 23.37 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for repair/replacement of external lt network including lt equipment and allied works at mil stn suranussi under ge kapurthala
4746 Construction of Park, Ward No. 34, Phagwara
TRN : 744014 |  Phagwara - Punjab
Contract Value : 2.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of park, ward no. 34, phagwara
4747 Provision of certain sanctioned works at Old and New Mil Stn Kapurthala under GE Kapurthala.
TRN : 748593 |  Kapurthala - Punjab
Contract Value : 33.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for provision of certain sanctioned works at old and new mil stn kapurthala under ge kapurthala.
4748 Construction of street, for Gas Agency, ward no. 31, Phagwara
TRN : 744015 |  Phagwara - Punjab
Contract Value : 2.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of street, for gas agency, ward no. 31, phagwara
4749 Provision of certain Special repair, Revenue and Minor works at Mil Stn Beas and Jandiala Guru under GE Kapurthala.
TRN : 748603 |  Kapurthala - Punjab
Contract Value : 36.42 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for provision of certain special repair, revenue and minor works at mil stn beas and jandiala guru under ge kapurthala.
4750 Construction of Park, Ward No. 25, Phagwara
TRN : 744016 |  Phagwara - Punjab
Contract Value : 2.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of park, ward no. 25, phagwara

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