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4821 Construction of streets Interlocking Paver at village Saheed Bhagat Singh Nagar block ludhiana1
TRN : 743709 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 59.26 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development And Panchayats Department
Tender award for construction of streets interlocking paver at village saheed bhagat singh nagar block ludhiana1
4822 Construction of office for Safai Sewak Union
TRN : 742959 |  Fazilka - Punjab
Contract Value : 5.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for construction of office for safai sewak union
TRN : 748920 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 17.83 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for special repairs to building no p-23 (md accn) at cg complex ge ludhiana
4824 Providing and improved access to water through household connections in existing water supply scheme Rajo Majra (3 No villages), Block Derabassi, Distt. SAS Nagar {Under PRWSSIP Sub-component 2a (i)}
4825 Construction of streets Interlocking Paver at village Baba Deep Singh Nagar block ludhiana1
TRN : 743710 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 56.09 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development And Panchayats Department
Tender award for construction of streets interlocking paver at village baba deep singh nagar block ludhiana1
4826 Construction of Store in M.C. Office for electric goods
TRN : 742960 |  Fazilka - Punjab
Contract Value : 5.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for construction of store in m.c. office for electric goods
4827 Construction of Skilled Development Centre at Village Dhandra Block Ludhiana1 Distt Ludhiana including public health EI work
TRN : 743711 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.76 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Development And Panchayats Department
Tender award for construction of skilled development centre at village dhandra block ludhiana1 distt ludhiana including public health ei work
4828 Providing and improved access to water through household connections in existing water supply scheme Jainty Majri (2 No villages), Block Majri, Distt. SAS Nagar {Under PRWSSIP Sub-component 2a (i)}
4829 New Wardbandi estimate for survey and preparation of drawings
TRN : 742961 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 6.30 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for new wardbandi estimate for survey and preparation of drawings
4830 Providing and improved access to water through household connections in existing water supply scheme Majrian (4 No Villages), Block Majri, Distt. SAS Nagar {Under PRWSSIP Sub-component 2a (i)}

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