5295Construction of HL Bridge 3 Span 10.50 mtr each (overall Length 33.34 m) over Rajpura Drain Crossing Suhron to Mandiana Link Road in MC Ghanour District Patiala including approaches and dismantling of existing old bridge
Patiala - Punjab
Contract Value :
1.86 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
5296Construction of HL Bridge 3 Span 10.50 mtr each (overall Length 33.34 m) over Rajpura Drain Crossing Lohakheri to Dharamgarh Link Road in MC Ghanour District Patiala including approaches and dismantling of existing old bridge
Patiala - Punjab
Contract Value :
1.72 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
5297For Providing and Installing Tubewell of size 200mm i/d straight up to 250 mtr. Depth, Providing Installing Pumping Machinery, C.I pipes inside pump chamber and all other works contingent thereto etc for Aug. of existing rural Water Supply Scheme
Patiala - Punjab
Contract Value :
73.21 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Supply And Sanitation Department
5298Estimate / Scheme to drain out flood/drain water from low lying agriculture land of village Main, Jalal Khera and Dudarh into Jacob Drain at RD 27700/L
Patiala - Punjab
Contract Value :
33.49 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department