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6141 Estimate for Rehablitation of Jandusingha Disty Package RD 40000-58300 by concrete lining M-15 concrete mix, mixed in automatic batching and mixing plant,carried to site of work in transit mixers of, laid manually to specified thickness.
6142 Internal clearance Weed, Jala, Buti, Deela, Jangal etc. including silt manually from the inner section of lined Maloud Distributary RD 29775-52400
6143 Estimate for Rehablitation of ibbon minor Package RD 55515-72000 by concrete lining M-15 concrete mix, mixed in automatic batching and mixing plant,carried to site of work in transit mixers of, laid manually to specified thickness.
6144 Internal clearance Weed, Jala, Buti, Deela, Jangal etc. including silt manually from the inner section of lined Maloud Distributary RD 50-29700.
6145 Rehablitation of ibbon minor Package RD 46000-55515by concrete lining M-15 concrete mix, mixed in automatic batching and mixing plant,carried to site of work in transit mixers of, laid manually to specified thickness.
6146 Internal clearance Weed, Jala, Buti, Deela, Jangal etc. including silt manually from the inner section of unlined Rohira Distributary RD 100-22680
6147 Estimate for Rehablitation of ibbon minor Package RD 35167-46000 by concrete lining M-15 concrete mix, mixed in automatic batching and mixing plant,carried to site of work in transit mixers of, laid manually to specified thickness.
6148 Internal clearance Weed, Jala, Buti, Deela, Jangal etc. including silt manually from the inner section of unlined Malerkotla Minor RD 50-30000.
6149 Estimate for Rehablitation of ibbon minor Package RD 18610-35167 by concrete lining M-15 concrete mix, mixed in automatic batching and mixing plant,carried to site of work in transit mixers of, laid manually to specified thickness.
6150 Internal clearance Weed, Jala, Buti, Deela, Jangal etc. including silt manually from the inner section of unlined Rohira Distributary RD 22750-41250

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