7263Construction of Approaches of 2 Lane ROB at level X-ing No.1-A on Rajpura Bathinda Rail Section of Northern Railway falling on Old G.T.Road Rajpura Distt. Patiala, inclusive Service roads, Drain and Retaining wall, Miscellaneous works, electrical wor
Patiala - Punjab
Contract Value :
21.49 Crore |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department
7267Annual Rate Contract for Disposal of unserviceable used plastic trays scrap, Empty SMP Craft paper bags, Assorted Curd/Kheer cups and unserviceable material (One Time) lying at Verka Mohali Dairy
7269Up gradation/Widening (10 to 16 feet wide) of L/R Attari Chogawan Road to Brar via Gurudwara Sadhu Sikh and Chawinda Kalan , Assembly Constituency Rajasansi, MC Chogawan, Distt. Amritsar.
Amritsar - Punjab
Contract Value :
3.42 Crore |Agency Name :
Punjab Mandi Board