9473Providing improved access to water through household connection in existing W s Scheme Rana Panj Grain Block Guruharsahai Distt Ferozepur Under Sub Component 2a i of Punjab Rural Water AND Sanitation Sector Improvement Project
Ferozepur - Punjab
Contract Value :
5.33 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Supply And Sanitation Department
9474Providing improved access to water through household connection in existing Water supply Scheme Nore Ke Block Guruharsahai Distt Ferozepur Under Sub Component 2a i of Punjab Rural Water Sanitation Sector Improvement Project
Ferozepur - Punjab
Contract Value :
4.92 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Supply And Sanitation Department
9480Collection of wastage of Agricultural Produce from various Grain Mandis in notified area of Various Purchase Centres and Sub Yards of Market Committee Nakodar Distt Jalandhar.(01/04/2019 to 31/03/2020)
Jalandhar - Punjab
Contract Value :
10.67 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Agriculture