1783providing of Screen wall, cattle trap, Security fence TCP-6 to MES Colony, Addn/Altn to Bldg No. T-31, T-26, T-27, P-24, P-01, T-01, Provn of tiling in Bldg No. P-100, Provn of ladies toilet at Sarvatra complex, special repair to joinery in certain Md Ac
Sriganganagar - Rajasthan
Contract Value :
33.90 Lacs |Agency Name :
Military Engineer Services
1784supply of Electronic Balance, Reciprocating Shaker, Deep freeze (-20), Fire extinguisher (Clean agent 4kg) system & display unit(One Group set of 6 Fire extinguishers and display unit), Water Purifying cooling / heating system and accessories ( One group set of one water cooler, two water dispenser, one refrigerator and one water purifier ) , Fluorometer, Laminar flow,Hydrolic Jack
Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value :
51.25 Lacs |Agency Name :
State Forensic Science Laboratory
1788supply of CYBER Division Equipments/ Software etc, Computer Forensic tool kits and accessories (1 set), Video Authentication Enhancement Software and accessories (1 set), High Speed imaging device, write blockers and accessories (1 set), "Cyber Forensic high speed workstation
(1 Group set of eight computer workstations and accessories)", Examination report printing and analysis system and accessories (1 Group set of 12 printing devices), "Cyber Forensic lab monitoring system and accessories
(One Group set of NVR and 7 camera)", Cyber Forensic examination monitoring and display terminal and accessories (1 set)
Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value :
89.90 Lacs |Agency Name :
State Forensic Science Laboratory