You have searched for tamil-nadu in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1901 Permanent Restoration to Flood damaged Protective wall at Km 1/6 - 1/8 of Udhagai Sholur Road
TRN : 752297 |  Coimbatore - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 1.07 Crore | Agency Name : Highway Department
Tender award for permanent restoration to flood damaged protective wall at km 1/6 - 1/8 of udhagai sholur road
1902 Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 12KV, 1250Amps SF6 Circuit Breaker with Truck for Retrofitting the existing HL 430 Type Alind make MOCB Breaker as One to One replacement basis
TRN : 736915 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 24.20 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for repairs to roads under ge wellington
1904 Supply of Laboratory Equipment
TRN : 734749 |  Thoothukudi - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 1.53 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Technical Eduction
Tender award for supply of laboratory equipment
TRN : 734750 |  Karur - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 33.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Department Of Technical Eduction
Tender award for supply of computer accessories for gptc
1906 Procurement of Guarding X arm as per sketch and specification 400 Nos
TRN : 734752 |  Madurai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 1.0 Thousand | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for procurement of guarding x arm as per sketch and specification 400 nos
1907 Perpetual Empanelment of contractors for carrying out Routine capital and maintenance works of Civil,Mechanical, Electrical nature at Outlets,Depots, Terminals,AFS, Lube Plants,RDI, RCDs,Office and Residential flat maintenance etc, under Tamil Nadu
1908 Supply of Aluminium knob (Reserved for SSI) Dindigul EDC
TRN : 735858 |  Madurai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 2.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of aluminium knob (reserved for ssi) dindigul edc
1909 Special repairs to Govt. Roads in respect of Alangudy (H) C&M Sub division Road A, Special Repairs to Pullanviduthi Road at km 2/0 - 5/125. Road B, Special Repairs to Keeramangalam - Kulamangalam North road at km 3/2-4/6 Road C, Special Repairs to Neduvasal - Pullanviduthi Road at km 3/0-3/775.
1910 Supply of Single phase Channel cross arm (reserved for SSI)
TRN : 735860 |  Madurai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 4.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of single phase channel cross arm (reserved for ssi)

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