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2481 Providing Road Furnitures in Govt. Roads in respect of Thanjavur (H), C&M Division. (Detailed List uploaded seperately) "
2482 Supply of 7200 Nos. of Bimetallic Clamp for 120 and 185 Sq mm Cable
TRN : 704545 |  Kallkurichi - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 10.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of 7200 nos. of bimetallic clamp for 120 and 185 sq mm cable
2483 Kallakurichi EDC-Supply of 7200 Nos. of Bimetallic Clamp for 120 and 185 Sq mm Cable
TRN : 681861 |  Villupuram - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 10.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for kallakurichi edc-supply of 7200 nos. of bimetallic clamp for 120 and 185 sq mm cable
2484 Modersniation of RO, M/s.Fortune Service Station, Udayamperoor
TRN : 711393 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 1.41 Crore | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for modersniation of ro, m/s.fortune service station, udayamperoor
2485 Upgradation of Four Panchayat Union Roads / Panchayat Roads as Other District Roads in Paramakudi (H) NABARD and Rural Roads Sub Division (Package 24)
2486 Supply and Installation of PAC in SRO Data Centre
TRN : 711394 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 13.31 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply and installation of pac in sro data centre
2487 Upgradation of Four Panchayat Union Roads / Panchayat Roads as Other District Roads in Paramakudi (H) NABARD and Rural Roads Sub Division (Package 30)
2488 Appointment of Carrying and Forwarding Agents (CFA) at Hyderabad for Lubricants.
TRN : 711395 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 16.42 Crore | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for appointment of carrying and forwarding agents (cfa) at hyderabad for lubricants.
2489 Upgradation of Four Panchayat Union Roads / Panchayat Roads as Other District Roads in Sivagangai (H) NABARD and Rural Roads Sub Division (Package 13)
2490 Installation of 30” OD pipeline across major river crossings of RLNG Pipeline from Ennore to IP 101, (Palliyagram) by Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) technique and associated works in Tamil Nadu State

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