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2741 Construction of Seed Processing Unit at Centre of Excellence in Millet Athiyandhal Tiruvannamalai District
TRN : 702626 |  Tiruvannamalai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 24.32 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
Tender award for construction of seed processing unit at centre of excellence in millet athiyandhal tiruvannamalai district
2742 Construction of compound wall along the road side at Agricultural College and Research Institute Madurai
TRN : 702627 |  Madurai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 65.62 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
Tender award for construction of compound wall along the road side at agricultural college and research institute madurai
2743 Providing chain link fencing along the east and western side of S block southern side of T block and south and Northern boundary of pungar block at Agricultural Research Station Bhavanisagar
2744 Construction of Collection well, pump room and electro mechanical equipment for sewage treatment plant (0.7MLD) for the work of Construction of 879 Quarters at Avadi in Chennai City under Phase-XXI/3000 quarters scheme for the year 2017-18 (Retender)
2745 Construction of compound wall along the road side at Horticultural College and Research Institute Periyakulam Theni District
TRN : 674785 |  Theni - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 1.00 Crore | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
Tender award for construction of compound wall along the road side at horticultural college and research institute periyakulam theni district
2746 Construction of compound wall for Agricultural College and Research Institute Kudumiyanmalai Pudukkottai District
TRN : 674786 |  Pudukkottai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 85.20 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
Tender award for construction of compound wall for agricultural college and research institute kudumiyanmalai pudukkottai district
2747 Construction of compound wall for Agricultural College and Research Institute Vazhavachanur Thiruvannamalai District
TRN : 674787 |  Thirumanglam - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 76.22 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
Tender award for construction of compound wall for agricultural college and research institute vazhavachanur thiruvannamalai district
2748 Construction of lecture halls and examination hall in first floor at Institute of Horticulture Pechiparai Kanyakumari District
TRN : 674788 |  Kanyakumari - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 68.38 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
Tender award for construction of lecture halls and examination hall in first floor at institute of horticulture pechiparai kanyakumari district
2749 Construction of ladies students study centre in firtst floor at Institute of Horticulture Pechiparai Kanyakumari District
TRN : 674789 |  Kanyakumari - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 57.19 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
Tender award for construction of ladies students study centre in firtst floor at institute of horticulture pechiparai kanyakumari district
2750 Construction of compound wall for Agricultural College and Research Institute Eachangkottai Thanjavur District
TRN : 674790 |  Thanjavur - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 56.50 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
Tender award for construction of compound wall for agricultural college and research institute eachangkottai thanjavur district

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