3943TTPS Mech II AHP Unit I II III Ash water pump house Removing of worn out internals of low pressure water pump Machining and fixing of new internals
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
1.22 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
3945TTPS Mech II AHP Dismantling the existing wornout structural supports fabrication erection and painting of new structural supports in Ash slurry disposal pipe line platform in Unit IV V ash slurry pump house
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
1.96 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Adi Dravidar Housing And Development Corporation Limited
3947TTPS Mech II AHP Dismantling the existing wornout structural supports fabrication erection and painting of new structural supports in Ash slurry disposal pipe line platform in Unit IV V ash slurry pump house
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
1.96 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
3949TTPS Mech II AHP Replacement of wornout Unit I Bottom ash hopper walk way platform handrails at North East West side and Bottom ash hopper body supports at 0 mtr to 6 mtr Elevation
Tuticorin - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
1.25 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited