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TRN : 836872 |  Villupuram - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 3.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for annual maintenance contract for split acs at srpl asanur
652 Providing Cement Concrete Pavement to Thiruveethiyamman Koil Street in Vanjuvancheri Village
TRN : 836204 |  Kanchipuram - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 20.89 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for providing cement concrete pavement to thiruveethiyamman koil street in vanjuvancheri village
653 Providing Cement Concrete Pavement to Gangaiamman Koil Street in Vanjuvancheri Village
TRN : 836205 |  Kanchipuram - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 1.41 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for providing cement concrete pavement to gangaiamman koil street in vanjuvancheri village
654 Providing Cement Concrete Pavement to Ambedkar Street in Vanjuvancheri Village
TRN : 836206 |  Kanchipuram - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 14.10 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for providing cement concrete pavement to ambedkar street in vanjuvancheri village
655 Sanitaion material supply
TRN : 836214 |  Thoothukudi - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 49.9 Thousand | Agency Name : Department Of Technical Eduction
Tender award for sanitaion material supply
656 Supply of Analog Voltmeters and Analog Ammeters
TRN : 836215 |  Vellore - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 56.4 Thousand | Agency Name : Department Of Technical Eduction
Tender award for supply of analog voltmeters and analog ammeters
657 Provision of Electrification work at Revenue Building, third floor east side vigilance office office, Revenue Department office at Revenue Building, second floor, PRO office in Golden Jubilee Building and Record section in ACC Building in Ripon Building premises in Div 58, Zone 5
658 Replacement of 2927 Mtrs of 31/2 x 25 Sqmm Alu cable at Casa major Road, halls Road and sait Colony 1st and 2nd Street in Div 61, Zone 5.
659 Removal & Refixing of 23 Nos of 9.5 Mtr OH Lamp post with Double Arch Bracket,1335 Mtrs of 31/2 x 25 Sqmm cable at EVR Salai and Wall tax Road in div 59 Zone 5 "
660 Erection of 2 Nos 9 Mtr no value post, replacement of 871 Mtrs 31/2 x 25 sqmm Alu cable and supply and fixing of 27 Nos Timer unit at Kennt lane, panteon road, whannals road , Gandhi Irwin road in Div 58 and 61, Zone 5

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