You have searched for tripura in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

251 Development works and bulk services (BOP Rajnagar) of 200 Bn BSF under SHQ BSF Gokulnagar (SH Providing base and shed for Gen sets with allied work, submersible pumps, Street and security lights)
252 Transportation of foodgrains/ allied materials etc. on adhoc basis for 6 (six) months (extendable by 3 months) from Railhead Kumarghat, Tripura to FSD Kumarghat, Tripura (via weighbridge).
253 C/o of Mahila barrack for (08 Occupants) with attached toilets and development works and bulk services at BOP Baraitilla of 86 BN BSF SHQ Gokulnagar (SH Providing base and shed for Gen sets with allied work, submersible pumps, Street and security li
254 Renovation/ Up - gradation of Residential Quarters Type II/ 16 Nos. (01 to 16 D/S RCC roof) of 74 Bn BSF Fatikchera of 120 BN BSF under SHQ BSF Gokulnagar (SH Electrical work)
255 Renovation/ Up gradation of Type I/ 30 Nos. Qtrs (A block 01 to 20, B block 11 to 20) of 120 BN BSF Fatikchera under SHQ BSF Gokulnagar (SH Electrical work)
256 Renovation/ Up gradation of Residential Quarters Type I/ 24 Nos of 145 Bn BSF campus Salbagan under SHQ BSF Gokulnagar (SH Electrical work)
TRN : 588163 |  Agartala - Tripura
Contract Value : 11.91 Lacs | Agency Name : Bihar State Food And Civil Supplies Corporation Limited
Tender award for renovation/ up gradation of residential quarters type i/ 24 nos of 145 bn bsf campus salbagan under shq bsf gokulnagar (sh electrical work)
257 running of mess in multipurpose hotel in TRI udaipur
TRN : 586445 |  Udaipur (Tripura) - Tripura
Contract Value : 35.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Tribal Development Department
Tender award for running of mess in multipurpose hotel in tri udaipur
258 Renovation/ Up gradation of Type I/ 06 Nos, Type - II/ 13 Nos. and Type IV/ 04 Nos QTRs at BSF campus Salbagan under Ftr HQ BSF Tripura (SH Electrical work)
259 Renovation/ Up gradation of Residential Quarters Type II/ 22 Nos. of 145 Bn BSF campus Salbagan under SHQ BSF Gokulnagar (SH Electrical work)
TRN : 583100 |  Agartala - Tripura
Contract Value : 13.19 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Panchayath Raj Engineering Department
Tender award for renovation/ up gradation of residential quarters type ii/ 22 nos. of 145 bn bsf campus salbagan under shq bsf gokulnagar (sh electrical work)
260 Job contract for 03 nos. helper for daily maintenance works like washing, cleaning and polishing etc. of various Fire and MT vehicles/equipment available at MT workshop at MBB Airport, Agartala

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