You have searched for uttar-pradesh in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.
16681Installation , shifting and commissioning of pontoons , pump sets and other electricals at different locations in mines during monsoon at Bina Project
Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
1.66 Lacs |Agency Name :
Northern Coalfields Limited
16685dismantling and realignment of LT lighting line in north south OB departmental dumping and out sourcing dumping as and when required at Bina Project
Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
8.01 Lacs |Agency Name :
Northern Coalfields Limited
16686Unloading and Loading of catalyst in NHT reactor 308-R-01, Sulfur guard 308-V-06 and Methanator reactor -309-R-01 at MSQ unit of Mathura Refinery.
Mathura - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
15.46 Lacs |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
16690Carriage of steel from the steelyard of EFU, Naini, Prayagraj to various fabrication workshop within the premises of Electy. Fabrication, Unit, Naini, Prayagraj
Allahabad - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
1.95 Lacs |Agency Name :
Uttar Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Limited