22463Construction of New 33 KV Line From Newly Constructed 132/33 KV Sub-Station Laxmipur (Kurmipatti) Distt.-Kushinagar to Existing Tapping Point on Existing Four Pole of 33 KV Jarrar Line Near 33/11 KV Sub-Station Kotwa
Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
2.01 Crore |Agency Name :
Purvanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited
22465Separation of over loaded 11 KV Natwa feeder from 33/11 KV S/S Bhatahat, Gorakhpur, and 11 KV Badhya feeder (From 33/11 KV S/S Pipiganj) and construction of new 11 KV Badhya fedder from 33/11 KV S Netwar Bazar, Gorakhpur
Gorakhpur - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
41.67 Lacs |Agency Name :
Purvanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited
22470Special Repair to Barbed wire fencing around on security wall towards Pilibhit Road and Lucknow Highway and spl repair to Qtr no 182 01 Old Bird Wood Lines and Provn of tiling in JCOs Ors Qtrs of MTTC Area and Certain Sanctioned Works at MTTC Area at
Bareilly - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value :
30.87 Lacs |Agency Name :
Military Engineer Services