2225Provn of 04 x lightning conductor for MT Ration store of 5685 ASC Bn (MT), Provn of 05 x Desert cooler at Sec Hosp and Provn of internal point wiring at ECHS Polyclinic at Haldwani under GE Ranikhet.
Ranikhet - Uttaranchal
Contract Value :
3.48 Lacs |Agency Name :
Military Engineer Services
2227Overhauling of 03 Nos Kirlosker make Generator Transformer Cooling Pumps and replacement of impellers in 07 Nos running pumps (Model UP100/29) at Tehri HEP.
Tehri Garhwal - Uttaranchal
Contract Value :
8.77 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tehri Hydro Development Corporation Limited