You have searched for uttaranchal in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

2521 UT-08-50 Thalisain to Jakhola MR Stage-I
TRN : 516298 |  Pauri Garhwal - Uttaranchal
Contract Value : 604 | Agency Name : Uttaranchal Rural Roads Development Agency
Tender award for ut-08-50 thalisain to jakhola mr stage-i
2522 Transportation of Rice
TRN : 513287 |  Chamoli - Uttaranchal
Contract Value : 98 | Agency Name : Food And Civil Supply Control Office
Tender award for transportation of rice
2523 Transportation of Sugar
TRN : 513652 |  Chamoli - Uttaranchal
Contract Value : 246 | Agency Name : Food And Civil Supply Control Office
Tender award for transportation of sugar
2524 Transportation of Rice
TRN : 513288 |  Chamoli - Uttaranchal
Contract Value : 67 | Agency Name : Food And Civil Supply Control Office
Tender award for transportation of rice
2525 UT-08-45 Rikhad to Dhobighat MR Stage-I
TRN : 516299 |  Dehradun - Uttaranchal
Contract Value : 519 | Agency Name : Uttaranchal Rural Roads Development Agency
Tender award for ut-08-45 rikhad to dhobighat mr stage-i
2526 Transportation Of RIce
TRN : 513289 |  Chamoli - Uttaranchal
Contract Value : 117 | Agency Name : Food And Civil Supply Control Office
Tender award for transportation of rice
2527 Transportation of Sugar
TRN : 513653 |  Chamoli - Uttaranchal
Contract Value : 221 | Agency Name : Food And Civil Supply Control Office
Tender award for transportation of sugar
2528 Transportation Of Rice
TRN : 513290 |  Chamoli - Uttaranchal
Contract Value : 86 | Agency Name : Food And Civil Supply Control Office
Tender award for transportation of rice
2529 UT-08- 34 Km 57 of T02 (ODR) to Manjokhi Motor Road and Performance Based maintenance for two Years
TRN : 516300 |  Dehradun - Uttaranchal
Contract Value : 516 | Agency Name : Uttaranchal Rural Roads Development Agency
Tender award for ut-08- 34 km 57 of t02 (odr) to manjokhi motor road and performance based maintenance for two years
2530 Transportation Of Rice
TRN : 513291 |  Chamoli - Uttaranchal
Contract Value : 139 | Agency Name : Food And Civil Supply Control Office
Tender award for transportation of rice

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