10132Single Tender Enquiry for Procurement of 1ST Stage gear and Pinion 25 1 and 2nd Stage Gear and Pinion for 64 L Belt Conveyor at JK Nagar Colliery under Satgram Area
Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value :
5.69 Lacs |Agency Name :
Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
10133Thorough repair & renovation to the external surface of the U.G. Arts and Science Building within the main campus of Jadavpur University, Kolkata during the year 2019-20 (Building and S&P works). (Materials supply by the agency).
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
42.49 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
10137Thorough Repair and Renovation to the external surface of the PG Science Building within the main campus of Jadavpur University, during the year 2019-20 (Building Works). (Materials supply by the agency).
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
53.44 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
10140Single Tender Enquiry for Procurement of SIMPLEX make LHD spares for model no. D142 1500 for the LHD machines used at Satgram Project JK Nagar Colliery under Satgram Area
Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value :
18.29 Lacs |Agency Name :
Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.