You have searched for west-bengal in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

10241 Reconstruction of Concrete road from the house of Badaruddin Mandal to the house of Milan Mandal at Baliura under Patharghata-II G.P. under 14th FC(2019-20
10242 Reconstruction of Concrete road from Pacca Rasta to the house of Anar Sekh(Mistri) at Baliura under Patharghata-II G.P. under 14th FC(2019-20)
10243 Construction of Box Culvert with ucaliptas Bullah piling near the house Menu Mollah at Taranipur under Patharghata-II G.P. under 14th FC FUND (2019-20)
10244 Constructionof Gaurdwall at Baliura Bathing Ghat near the house of Sudan Biswas at Baliira under 14th CFC-2019-20
10245 Construction of Bathing Ghat(Stair) Bathing Ghat near the house of Sudan Biswas at Baliura under 14th CFC(2019-20)
10246 Construction of Siting Bench near ICDS Centre at Baliura under 14th CFC-2019-20
TRN : 738109 |  Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 60.3 Thousand | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of siting bench near icds centre at baliura under 14th cfc-2019-20
10247 Reconstruction of Concrete road from Pucca rasta near the house of Siraj Moulana to the house of Rasul Sekh at Taranipur under Patharghata-II G.P. under 14th FC (2019-20)
10248 Salballi Pilling from the house of Faruk Molla to the house of Anjura Bibi at Taranipur (2019-20)
TRN : 738111 |  Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.31 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for salballi pilling from the house of faruk molla to the house of anjura bibi at taranipur (2019-20)
10249 Reconstruction of Concrete road from the house of Nijamuddin Sekh to the house of Sabera Bibi at Taranipur under Patharghata-II G.P. under 14th FC(2019-20)
10250 Reconstruction of Concrete road from the house of Basudeb Mondal to the house of Balai Mandal at Putimari under Patharghata-II G.P. under 14th FC (2019-20)

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