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11181 Supply of Materials for Construction of Building of SHG activity including Electrification at Murshidabad Zilla Parisad premises Panchanantala under Manindranagar G.P. under Berhampore Panchayat Samity. Fund MGNREGA
11182 Repairing and rewinding of 20HP, 550V, 2900rpm squirrel cage induction motor at Teen Talla filter plant of Dahibari Colliery.
11183 Construction of ACR room at 1st floor of Ararbegia Pry School under Kaliganj Panchayat Samity (MSDP Fund)
TRN : 732151 |  Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 10.34 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of acr room at 1st floor of ararbegia pry school under kaliganj panchayat samity (msdp fund)
11184 Construction of PCC road from the house of Ketabul to house of Lalchand via Mohobul at Purapara Colony under Bajitpur GP.
11185 Construction of ACR at Palitbegia Pry School under Kaliganj Panchayat Samity (MSDP Fund)
TRN : 732152 |  Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 11.55 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of acr at palitbegia pry school under kaliganj panchayat samity (msdp fund)
11186 Repair & Renovation work for infrastructure strengthening of Raigram SC to SSK under English Bazar Block, Sadar Sub Division, Malda.( Civil).(Sl No 09).
11187 Construction of additional class room (1no) at Plassey Daspara Pry School under Kaliganj Panchayat Samity (MAME Fund)
11188 Construction of PCC road from the Puti to Najir at Purapara Colony under Bajitpur GP.
TRN : 737054 |  Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.55 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of pcc road from the puti to najir at purapara colony under bajitpur gp.
11189 Construction of ACR room at 1st floor of Ararbegia Pry School under Kaliganj Panchayat Samity (MSDP Fund)
TRN : 732154 |  South 24 Parganas - West Bengal
Contract Value : 6.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of acr room at 1st floor of ararbegia pry school under kaliganj panchayat samity (msdp fund)
11190 Repair & Renovation work for infrastructure strengthening of Bhabanipur SC to SSK under English Bazar Block Sadar Sub Division, Malda Civil. (SL NO-8).

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