13062Reparing of black top road from Natungram UCO Bank to Railway under Pass under Natungram G.P in Msd-Jiaganj Block Msd. [Repair & maintenance of rural roads Fund Rs. 27.30 lakh]
Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value :
27.54 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
13064Construction of drain Ali Sweets to Moktal Khana under Debkunda G.P in Beldanga-I Block, Msd., [Repair & maintenance of rural roads Fund Rs. 27.30 lakh]
Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value :
9.58 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
13066Construction of cement concrete road starting from end of the concrete road at village Digha towards Namujadabpur under Jhilli G.P in Khargram Block Msd. [Savings Fund of NRNP & Repair/Maint. of Old RIDF roads]
Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value :
19.99 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
13068Construction of concrete road from Bhabaninagar via Masjid to Sibnagar under Kharjuna G.P in Burwan Block, Msd., [Repair & maintenance of rural roads Fund Rs. 27.30 lakh]
Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value :
20.00 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
13070Construction of concrete road with drain from Durga Mandir towards Zamauddin Sk house & repair of main road from Durga Mandir to Eidgha under Balia G.P in Khargram Block Msd. [Savings Fund of NRNP & Repair/Maint. of Old RIDF roads]
Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value :
21.47 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad