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17781Repairing of the RMSA building and existing school lavarotories with construction of new toilet at Bhutia Hostel along with
construction of Gangway at Govt. High School Darjeeling, under PWD Darjeeling Division Darjeeling during 2018-2019.
Darjeeling - West Bengal
Contract Value :
41.53 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
17787Patch repair and pot-holes mending of Krishnagar - Karimpur - Jalangi Road (SH- 11) from chainage 13.00 Kmp to 25.00 Kmp & 47.00 Kmp to Km 57.50 in stretches in Nadia District under Nadia Division, P.W.D. during 2019 - 2020 (Sl. No. 01)
Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value :
43.99 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
17790Special Repairing Including Thorough painting, repairing, provision of entrance approach, Repairing of existing lavaratory and construction of
separate lavaratory for Male & Female staff, repairing of class room and construction of connecting Gangway at sardeshwari Govt Girls High School Darjeeling under PWD,Darjeeling Division during the year 2018-2019.
Darjeeling - West Bengal
Contract Value :
32.57 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department