You have searched for west-bengal in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

17901 Conservation and Restoration of "Gopinath Jiew Temple" at Daspur, in the District of Paschim Medinipur during the year 2019-20.
17902 Finishing work of First Floor of New Office Building within Ghatal S.D.O. Office Campus at Ghatal in the District of Paschim Medinipur during the year 2019-20.
17903 Repair & Renovation of Old Toilet, Server Room, Staff Toilet, Civil Judge Junior Division Office, Lok-Adalat Building etc. at Ghatal Court under PWD, Midnapore Division in the district of Paschim Medinipur during the year 2019-20
17904 Construction of Bituminous road from amarpur Bimola Krishi school to Danodar Bandh at Amarpur villagfe palpara under jotesiram GP within jamalpur P S
17905 Horticultural Landscaping activities at Guest House of BTPS
TRN : 689732 |  Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value : 25.51 Lacs | Agency Name : West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for horticultural landscaping activities at guest house of btps
17906 Construction one community hall at Balarampur village under Berugram GP Jamalpur panchyat samity
TRN : 686721 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 4.98 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for construction one community hall at balarampur village under berugram gp jamalpur panchyat samity
17907 Erection of temporary water proof pandals and making of other necessary arrangements within Madinat-ul-Hujjaj Compound (Haj House), Rajarhat, New Town, Kolkata - 700 160 to observe the (Haj Yatra - 2019) from 23rd July, 2019 to 5th August, 2019
17908 Construction of School building ( class room ) at junior high school at Dhuluk village under panchra G p jamalpur panchyat samity
17909 Construction of road from Radhakantapur School more to Jabbar house under Dhulauri GP in Domkal Block, Msd. [Fund-NRNP_18crore]
17910 Emergent restoration of damaged roadside(R.H.S) surface water drain at B.T College More (18.850 km of NH-34), Bakra Bus Stop(17.100 km of NH-34) under N.H. Division-V in the district of North 24-Parganas during the year 2019-20(2nd Call).

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