25523Improvement of road from Jhotia Bus Stand to Jhotia Primary School within Arjuni GP of Kharagpur -I Panchayat Samity area in the District of Paschim Medinipur.
Midnapur - West Bengal
Contract Value :
37.68 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
25524Construction of 86(eighty six) nos (24nos. In Paschim Medinipur, 26 nos. In South 24 Parganas and36 nos. In Malda District) Baitarani (Crematon Ground) (phase-II) at different places of West Bengal- Mokdampur G.P. (Nadishik Thokdarpara Swashan) and Mokdampur G.P. (Aswinpur Sawashan) under Chanchal-I Block in the district of Malda.
Malda - West Bengal
Contract Value :
31.94 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
25525Construction of 86(eighty six) nos (24nos. In Paschim Medinipur, 26 nos. In South 24 Parganas and36 nos. In Malda District) Baitarani (Crematon Ground) (phase-II) at different places of West Bengal- Mokdampur G.P. (Nadishik Thokdarpara Swashan) and Mokdampur G.P. (Aswinpur Sawashan) under Chanchal-I Block in the district of Malda.
North 24 Paragana - West Bengal
Contract Value :
31.94 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
25526Construction of 86(eighty six) nos (24nos. In Paschim Medinipur, 26 nos. In South 24 Parganas and36 nos. In Malda District) Baitarani (Crematon Ground) (phase-II) at different places of West Bengal- Pukhuria G.P. (Pukhuria Cremention) and Araidanga G.P. (Gobarjana Cremention Ground) under Ratua- II Block in the district of Malda.
North 24 Paragana - West Bengal
Contract Value :
31.94 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
25527Construction of 86(eighty six) nos (24nos. In Paschim Medinipur, 26 nos. In South 24 Parganas and36 nos. In Malda District) Baitarani (Crematon Ground) (phase-II) at different places of West Bengal- Sripur-II G.P. (Kumarganj Cremention) and Maharajpur G.P. (Nasirpur cremention Ground) under Ratua- II Block in the district of Malda.
North 24 Paragana - West Bengal
Contract Value :
31.94 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
25528Construction of 86(eighty six) nos (24nos. In Paschim Medinipur, 26 nos. In South 24 Parganas and36 nos. In Malda District) Baitarani (Crematon Ground) (phase-II) at different places of West Bengal- Chandmoni_II G.P. under Ratua-I Block and Sripur-I G.P. (Ballavpur Cremention Ground) under Ratua- II Block in the district of Malda.
North 24 Paragana - West Bengal
Contract Value :
31.94 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
25529Construction of 86(eighty six) nos (24nos. In Paschim Medinipur, 26 nos. In South 24 Parganas and36 nos. In Malda District) Baitarani (Crematon Ground) (phase-II) at different places of West Bengal- Chandmoni_II G.P. under Ratua-I Block and Sripur-I G.P. (Ballavpur Cremention Ground) under Ratua- II Block in the district of Malda.
North 24 Paragana - West Bengal
Contract Value :
31.94 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
25530Construction of 86(eighty six) nos (24nos. In Paschim Medinipur, 26 nos. In South 24 Parganas and36 nos. In Malda District) Baitarani (Crematon Ground) (phase-II) at different places of West Bengal- Jatradanga G.P. and Bhabuk G.P. under Old Malda Block in the district of Malda.
North 24 Paragana - West Bengal
Contract Value :
31.94 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department