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29391 Repairing and upgradation of earthen road to Concrete road from near of Paschim Burwan Primary school towards near of Swadhin Hazra at Paschim Burwan village under Burwan-I Gram Panchayat. AAP No-20/2018-19
29392 Construction of 4 Nos Tree-Tent House, Bio-Toilet, Food court at Joypur Panchayat Samity Park, Mouza-Joypur, Jl No.36, Plot No.452 under Joypur Panchayat Samity.
29393 WBPWDTE/ EE/BED/NIQ_84/Q of 2018-19-4th-Call-Tender
TRN : 574943 |  Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value : 24.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for wbpwdte/ ee/bed/niq_84/q of 2018-19-4th-call-tender
29394 Improvement of road from Magurkhali PMGSY to the H O Sirajul Islam at Takshali under Khisma G.P. under Ranaghat I Block in the District of Nadia
29395 Repairing and upgradation of earthen road to Concrete road from near of Paschim Burwan Primary school towards near of Swadhin Hazra at Paschim Burwan village under Burwan-I Gram Panchayat. AAP No-20/2018-19
29396 Improvement of road from Land of Basudeb Mondal to the pond of Kalipada Biswas within Tarapur GP under Ranaghat I Block in the District of Nadia
29397 Construction of Drain(450x600) within Different Sites under PMAY-HFA(Urban) 2016-17 at Ward No-23(part-B) under "Habra Municipality"
29398 Improvement of road from Tantibari of Kuthirpara in Durgapur to Ganesh Maidan within Ramanagar GP under Ranaghat I Block in the district of Nadia
29399 Repairing and upgradation of earthen road to Concrete road from near of Paschim Burwan Primary school towards near of Swadhin Hazra at Paschim Burwan village under Burwan-I Gram Panchayat. AAP No-20/2018-19
29400 Improvement of Remaining part of Road from Tashi hotel to Dakshin Sishubari
TRN : 563123 |  Alipurduar - West Bengal
Contract Value : 33.18 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for improvement of remaining part of road from tashi hotel to dakshin sishubari

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