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30351 Construction of Drain using HDPE pipes at Ram Lal Dutta Road western flank (from the jn. Of Parmar Road to the jn. Of B.N.Road) in Ward No. 11 "
30352 Construction of Anganwari Centre (ICDS No-KK-1) at Mouza-Raghunathpur (Sarifnagar) Jl No.-34,Khatian No.269, Dag No.-345 under Kecharkur G.P. of Mandirbazar Block, South 24 Parganas.
30353 Electrical Installation of Office building of the Backward Classes Welfare & Tribal Development at Natunchati, Bankura.
TRN : 557955 |  Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value : 7.89 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for electrical installation of office building of the backward classes welfare & tribal development at natunchati, bankura.
30354 Repair and renovation of pipe line and pipe track line at ch no 260,264 & 379 to 383( near the house of Bindhaya Pradhan) from 4th mile towards Algarah damaged due to natural calamities including completion of the remaining portion of the culvert at ch-627 under NKWSMD under PHE Dte Kalimpong.
30355 Construction of Drain using HDPE pipes at Ram Lal Dutta Road western flank (from the jn. Of Parmar Road to the jn. Of B.N.Road) in Ward No. 11
30356 Construction of Anganwari Centre (ICDS No-KK-1) at Mouza-Raghunathpur (Sarifnagar) Jl No.-34,Khatian No.269, Dag No.-345 under Kecharkur G.P. of Mandirbazar Block, South 24 Parganas
30357 EI work at ITI Tollygunge Machine Shop
TRN : 561688 |  Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value : 24.67 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for ei work at iti tollygunge machine shop
30358 Construction of Black Top Road from Swaruppara Pry. School towards Ashram of Gopal Sadhu Madhugari G.P. under Karimpur-I Dev. Block. (Phase-1) under BADP.
30359 Construction of Drain using HDPE pipes at Dr. S.N.Mukherjee Street in Ward No. 18
TRN : 561097 |  Hooghly - West Bengal
Contract Value : 14.58 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of drain using hdpe pipes at dr. s.n.mukherjee street in ward no. 18
30360 Construction of Anganwari Centre (ICDS No-KK-1) at Mouza-Raghunathpur (Sarifnagar) Jl No.-34,Khatian No.269, Dag No.-345 under Kecharkur G.P. of Mandirbazar Block, South 24 Parganas.

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