3153Service Contract for Statutory Load Testing of 03nos. EOT Cranes of capacity 138T/18T, 80T/25T & 22T/4T of BTPS and Structure Stability
checking of existing structure of U#5 Power House for erection of 35/10T EOT Crane of BTPS, WBPDCL
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
29.50 Lacs |Agency Name :
West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited
3154Emergent palliative protection work at the left bank of river Tangon near residence of Ajit Das and Sanatan Ch. Saha at Baruipara in G.P- Aiho, Block & P.S. Habibpur, District Malda
Malda - West Bengal
Contract Value :
34.25 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation