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31721 Restoration and conservation of the "Temple of Shaymchand/ Shaymsundar " at Elyti Village, Belatukri, Block- Onda, under Bishnupur Division, P.W,Dte. in the district of Bankura during the year 2018-19. (2 nd call)
31722 Side-stitching support of pillars from 59D to 65D in between 38L to 43L for depillaring with stowing Panel LKS - 15 (Bottom) of Lower Kajora (R-VIIIA) Seam, at No-10 Pit of Khas Kajora Colliery
31723 CConstruction of PCC Road from Jainal house to Mustaque house, Sansad No. 15 (NIT-01/Panji/ISGPP/ 2019 Sl no: 4)
31724 Construction of Guard wall from Parimal house to Canal at Nardebjote Sansad under Jalash Nizamtara Gram Panchyat
TRN : 549062 |  Siliguri - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.38 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for construction of guard wall from parimal house to canal at nardebjote sansad under jalash nizamtara gram panchyat
31725 Construction of Crash Barrier and Repair and Restrengthening of Bridge at 11 th Km of Indas - Sashpur - Akui Road under Bishnupur Division, PWDte. in the district of Bankura during the year 2017-2018. (4th call).
31726 Advance support of Roof bolts during depillaring of Panel LKS -15 (Bottom Section) at Lower Kajora seam, No.-10 Pit of Khas Kajora Colliery.
31727 CConstruction of PCC Road from Jainal house to Mustaque house, Sansad No. 15 (NIT-01/Panji/ISGPP/ 2019 Sl no: 4)
31728 Construction of Guard wall from Near sani mandir at Nardebjote Sansad under Jalash Nizamtara Gram Panchyat
TRN : 549063 |  Siliguri - West Bengal
Contract Value : 3.29 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for construction of guard wall from near sani mandir at nardebjote sansad under jalash nizamtara gram panchyat
31729 Repair & Renovation work of DIB, Nadia office building at Krishnagar, Nadia under Nadia Division, P.W.D. during the year 2017 - 2018 (Sl. 03) (3rd Call)
31730 procurement of Chanda makeDrill Spares
TRN : 550032 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 2.78 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for procurement of chanda makedrill spares

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