32983Emergency restoration of embankment of the river Hooghly with extension and laying of RCC concrete pipes in between jetty and Police Chowki at BTPS
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
15.89 Lacs |Agency Name :
West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited
32989WBNKDA/ 26/ EE-III /NKDA OF 2018-19 Annual maintenance of repairing renovation and profile correction including ancillary works for different bituminous streets within Action Area IID and IIE under NKDA New Town Kolkata
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
53.22 Lacs |Agency Name :
Development Authority
32990WBNKDA/ 25/ EE-III /NKDA OF 2018-19 Annual maintenance of repairing renovation and profile correction including ancillary works for different bituminous streets within Action Area IIA IIB and IIC under NKDA New Town Kolkata
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
51.11 Lacs |Agency Name :
Development Authority