34294Repairing and Maintenance of Post 5 Year PMGSY road from "Sadar Block Border Near Bodhaganj To Mal Block Border Near Gajoldoba Via Milan Pally Taki Mari Mantadari West " vide Package No: WB1032, Length: 12.390 Km (Estimated Length- Ch: 0.00 to 8.890 Km = 8.890 Km), Block: Rajganj
Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value :
1.06 Crore |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
34299Construction of concrete road from Khoda Baksh`s house to Fakir Malta`s house via Nirmal Kahar`s house at G.P- Haroa Block-Haroa under Minakhan Sub-Division
Hooghly - West Bengal
Contract Value :
43.80 Lacs |Agency Name :
Sundarban Development Board