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35151""Construction of two no.s R.C.C. Bridges each of carriageway 7.5m over Guniagachi Branch Channel at Ch. 3550.00 M & Ch. 3845.00 M and protection work at
Left bank of Guniagachi Branch Channel in between Ch. 3510.00 M & Ch. 3840.00 M. (effective length of 310 m) and at Right bank of Guniagachi Branch Channel
in between Ch. 3510.00 M & Ch. 3590.00 M. (effective length of 70 m) within Ward No. 109 of KMC in P.S. – Survey Park, District- South 24 Parganas."""
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
7.94 Crore |Agency Name :
Indian Institute Of Science Education And Research
35153Supply of good quality live IMC fingerlings of size 10-12 cm, Lime (CaO), Single Super Phosphate, Cast Net,PVC Crate, Hapa, Weighing balance, Bucket, Aluminium Hundy and Mug in the district of Bankura Each unit consist of 120 No. IMC fingerling
Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value :
7.48 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Fisheries
35155Supply of good quality live IMC fingerlings of size 10-12 cm. and Lime (CaO) in the district of Bankura. Total No. of units 200. No. of fingerlings per unit. 1000 and Lime 30 Kgs..Total no. of fingerlings 200000 and lime 6000 Kgs.
Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value :
10.72 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Fisheries
35157Supply of live Fingerlings of Katla, Rohu and Mrigelof size 3-4 inch in the district of Bankura.Total no. ofunits 50. No. of fingerlings per unit. 4000. Total no. of fingerlings 200000.
Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value :
10.00 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Fisheries