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35201 One no. upward borehole NX size, non coring from R VI to R VII A AND B seam at Pandaveswar Colliery under Pandaveswar Area under ECL.
35202 Emergent MR to Spur No.2 of New Changmari-Premganj Embankment On the L/B Of River Teesta in Block and P.S.
TRN : 529517 |  Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value : 9.71 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for emergent mr to spur no.2 of new changmari-premganj embankment on the l/b of river teesta in block and p.s.
35203 Installation of 03 Three nos. of 1000 mm Belt conveyor of length 350 mtr. and 320 mtr. in B8 panel and 50 mtr. as link belt in R VI seam of Khottadih Colliery Pandaveswar Area, ECL.
35204 Emergent Restoration of Rethi Sukriti embankment along the right bank of river Rethi Sukriti in between ch. 7150m to ch. 7250m in P.S Banarhat,
35205 Drilling 2 No. NX size upward non coring bore hole in R V to R VI seam for K3A and K3B caving panel at Khottadih Colliery under Pandaveswar Area under ECL.
35206 Strenthening to shank portion of spur no 2 of Bamandanga embankment under Block and PS- Nagrakata,
TRN : 529519 |  Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value : 9.08 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for strenthening to shank portion of spur no 2 of bamandanga embankment under block and ps- nagrakata,
35207 Installation of 6 stage pump with motor, 6 Inch M. S. pipe line and complete electrical in R V seam at Khottadih Colliery under Pandaveswar Area, ECL.
35208 Maintenance of Changmari-Premganj embankment from Ch.3225 m to Ch. 4025 m on the L/B of river Teesta in P.S and Block
TRN : 529520 |  Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value : 9.66 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for maintenance of changmari-premganj embankment from ch.3225 m to ch. 4025 m on the l/b of river teesta in p.s and block
35209 Installation of new 180 mtr., 800mm VISHWA PONEY BELT CONVEYOR in R III II seam in Khottadih Colliery under Pandaveswar Area, ECL.
35210 Construction of ICDS centre at Digri under Sankarkata (SL-02)
TRN : 529526 |  Midnapur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 9.85 Lacs | Agency Name : District Mineral Foundation Trust
Tender award for construction of icds centre at digri under sankarkata (sl-02)

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