36612Construction of concrete road from Sahabuddin,s house to Bapi Mondal,s house at GP Block Haroa under Minakhan Sub Division of CED No III SDB. From (Ch0.00m to 270.00m) =270.00m (CORE PLAN)
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
11.33 Lacs |Agency Name :
Sundarban Development Board
36613Construction of BP road from profulla Mondal,s house to Prodip Mondal,s house near Hamid Molla,s house at GP Atpukur, Block -Minakhan Under Minakhan Subdivision of C.E.D NO III S.D.B (CH 0.00M TO 500.00M) =500.00M( core Plan).
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
16.30 Lacs |Agency Name :
Sundarban Development Board
36614Construction of Cocrete road from Choto Sehara Samsan ghat to Chhidam Majhi's house, in G.P. - Sehara Radhanagar, Block - Sandeshkhali-I under Nezat Sub-Divn of CED - III, S.D.B. (Ch. From 0.00M to 1645.00M) =1645.00M. (CORE PLAN)
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
69.17 Lacs |Agency Name :
Sundarban Development Board
36615Construction of BP road from sunil kahars fishery near Ajibar Mollas house to irfan Mollas house near Iswar Chandar Kahars house at GP Haroa Block Haroa under Minakha sub Division of CED III S.D.B from (CH-0.00 to 690.00M) (CORE PLAN ).
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
19.22 Lacs |Agency Name :
Sundarban Development Board
36616Construction of Cocrete road from Dk. Akhratala Mahatopara Samsan to house of Nirmal Mahato, in G.P. - Nezat-II Block - Sandeshkhali-I under Nezat Sub-Divn of CED - III, S.D.B. (Ch. From 0.00M to 1400.00M) =1400.00M. (CORE PLAN)
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
54.55 Lacs |Agency Name :
Sundarban Development Board
36617Construction of Concrete Road house of Debes Mondal to house of Subal Das , in G.P.-Rupamari, Block:- Hingalgunj, Dist :- North 24 Parganas under Nazat Sub-Division of S.D.B.(Ch 0.00m to 1210.00m )= 1210.00m (Core Plan).
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
47.10 Lacs |Agency Name :
Sundarban Development Board
36618Construction of Concrete Road from Ramapur Mandir Ghat to house of Bhola Bose (Ghosh), in G.P.-Sahebkhali, Block:- Hingalgunj, Dist :- North 24 Parganas under Nazat Sub-Division of S.D.B.(Ch 0.00m to 1520.00m)= 1520.00m (Core Plan).
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
77.69 Lacs |Agency Name :
Sundarban Development Board
36619Construction of concrete road from Bamanpukur Battala Kali Mandir to Ramkrishna Mission Bridge(Ch. 0.00m to 1275.00m) with four Nos. Link Road towards Mandir(45.0m), towards Patrapara SSK School(85.0m), towards Ramkrishna Mission(30.0m) & from shop of Pankaj Pramanik to the house of Latikanta Gayen(100.0m) at G.P.- Bamanpukur, P.S.- & Block- Minakhan under MinaKhan sub division of C.E.D.-III, SDB. Total Length =1535m." (Under Plan)
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
63.04 Lacs |Agency Name :
Sundarban Development Board
36620Construction concrete road from Chaital Kanmaripara Tarak Sardar's house to Chakib Molla's Kabarstan with Two Link Roads, at G.P.- Chaital, Block- Minakhan, under MinaKhan sub division of C.E.D.-III ( From Ch. 0.00m to 705.0m) Link Road No.1( Ch. 0.0m to 100.0m ), Link Road No.2 ( Ch. 0.0m to 42.0m ) = Total Length = 847.00m." (Core Plan)
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
25.93 Lacs |Agency Name :
Sundarban Development Board