37793Reconstruction drain at from (1)Babu Dutta's Shop to Uday Chand Chatterjee (2)Bagdipara mansha mela to Debdash Chatterjee Via Goraipara (3) Sadhan Kundu to Uday Chand Chatterjee via Tara Bidypith (4) Bishnu Samabay Samity to back side of Bishnu Mandir towrds northern side of 1st fidder Rd. a within ward no. 18 under Bankura Municipality.
Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value :
23.77 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Municipal Administration
37796Construction of 20(twenty) capacity passenger shelter at 0.15 kmp of Nalhati Rajgram (SH 7) under Rampurhat Highway Sub Division of Birbhum Highway Division-I during the year 2018-19
Birbhum - West Bengal
Contract Value :
6.67 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
37800Shifting of pipe line under Salboni water supply scheme in connection with new bridge near Tamal River under Midnapore Mechanical Division P.H.E Dte.
Midnapur - West Bengal
Contract Value :
8.87 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department