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38411 Construction for Boundary Wall with colour wash of E.Os Quarter in Bankura-II Panchayat Samity Office Campus under PUP Contingency Fund.
38412 Sl.No. 03.. Construction of Boundary wall including laying UPVC pipe and laying Reservoir delivery and Bypass connection of IEP at Bhangamali Water Supply Scheme under Jalpaiguri Division PHE Dte.
38413 Construction of drain from Balai Das house to Soumya Sarkar House at Jetia Bazar under Jetia G.P within Barrackpore-I Panchayat Samity.
38414 Sl.No. 02.. LAYING DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FOR REJUVENATION OF NAGRAKATA Water Supply Scheme under Jalpaiguri Division P.H.E. Dte. (PART-H1)
TRN : 540359 |  Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value : 15.28 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for 02.. laying distribution system for rejuvenation of nagrakata water supply scheme under jalpaiguri division p.h.e. dte. (part-h1)
38415 Construction of Cement Concrete Road from Chandua Thakurtala to Jetia High School at Kampa-Chakla under Barrackpore-I Panchayat Samiti.
38416 Sl.No. 01.. Laying distribution system for Piped Water Supply Scheme for Changmari Tea Garden at Nagrakata Block under Jalpaiguri Division, P.H.E. Dte. ( Part-F1)
38417 Construction of Drain from Kartick Ghosh House to R.I.D.F Drain at Chandua under Kampa Chakla G.P under Barrackpore-I Development Block.
38418 Sl.No. 01.. Sinking of 250mm x 200 mm dia. Tubewell upto a depth of 120.00 mtr. for Sukhani Zone-II Water Supplyl Scheme under Jal Divi P.H.E. Dte. due to widening of road NH-31D by NHAI in the Dist. Of Jalpaiguri under Jalpaiguri Division P.H.E
38419 Construction of Bituminous Road from Karna Bhowmick to Bizna Chowmatha via Bizna Madarpur Girl's School at Bizna under Jetia G.P within Barrackpore-I Panchayat Samiti.
38420 Sl.No. 01.. Shifting of pipe line at NH-31 due to construction of Railway Over Bridge at Lataguri near Aranya Resort (Lataguri) to Panchabati Resort (Lataguri) under Lataguri Water Supply Scheme, Jalpaiguri Division P.H.E. Dte.

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