You have searched for west-bengal in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

38561 Transmission Line Package AK
TRN : 507944 |  Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value : 138.74 Crore | Agency Name : West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company Limited
Tender award for transmission line package ak
38562 Integrated facility management and up keepment at the residence of the Additional Chief Secretaries and residence of the Home Secretary at 12 Ballygunge Circular Road Kolkata 19 under Kolkata West Division 2nd Call
38563 Construction of 350 CUM CAPACITY R.C.C. Elevated Reservoir, 15 Mtrs Staging Height along with Laying distribution system of pipe line for(Zone-III)(PART-A) including others allied works for Chalsa Rejuvenation W/S Scheme under Jalpaiguri Div. PHE. Dte.
38564 Supply and delivery of different size Rock Roller Bit with tungsten carbide insert for over burden water well drilling under Bankura Mechanical Division, P.H.E.Dte.
38565 Construction of 125mm ? x 115mm X 90 mtr depth RBTW by DTH method in different Block of Bankura District under Bankura Mechanical Division P.H.E.Dte.
38566 Repairing of pipes column of three nos Vertical BHT pump WPIL make along with allied works at Mukutmanipur WTP under Bankura Mechanical Division P.H.E.Dte.
38567 Supply and installation of 12.5mtr High –Mast lighting system with 6nos of 400watt flood light with astronical timer with all accessories including foundation at Jhantipahari Head work site w/s scheme under B.M.D. P.H.E Dte
38568 Supply ,delivery and installation at site Horizontal Centrifugal pump and Induction motor set at Jhanipahari Head Work site Water Supply Scheme under Bankura Mechanical Division P.H.E.Dte
38569 Supply of dry ration, fresh vegetables, fruits and fresh meat to 46 Bn
TRN : 506465 |  Siliguri - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.02 Crore | Agency Name : Sashastra Seema Bal
Tender award for supply of dry ration, fresh vegetables, fruits and fresh meat to 46 bn
38570 Filling of illegal mining pit by dozing of local earth near Banksimulia High School, near Arjun Dhawrah and near Buri Mata Mandir under the mining leasehold area of Girmint (R) Colliery Sripur

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