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38861 Urgent Repairs, maintainance & oiling, greasing of different Sluices under Ramanagr (I) Section, Block-Ramnagar-I, P.S.- Ramnagar, Dist.- Purba Medinipur.
38862 Construction of Concrete Road from Prasad Das House to Kanan Pal House, Solanki House to Sachidananda Pal House, Sankar Kar house to Jogen Das House, Sisir Pal House to Abani House at Suryasenpally, Ward no-42 under DMC
38863 Extension of Quality Control Laboratory at Ramnagar (I) Office Campus, Block- Ramnagar-I, P.S.- Ramnagar,Dist.- Purba Medinipur.
TRN : 504431 |  Medinipur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 22.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for extension of quality control laboratory at ramnagar (i) office campus, block- ramnagar-i, p.s.- ramnagar,dist.- purba medinipur.
38864 Construction of Concrete Roads, Drains and 2 nos. Culvert at Namo Sagarbhanga, Ward no-28 under DMC
TRN : 505681 |  Durgapur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 8.12 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of concrete roads, drains and 2 nos. culvert at namo sagarbhanga, ward no-28 under dmc
38865 Special repair of three numbers group C Quarters in Campus of Contai Irrigation Sub-Division of Contai Irrigation Division in Block- Contai-I, P.S Contai Dist. Purba Medinipur
38866 Upgradation of Raghunathpur School with new Construction of RCC Stage and Renovation of Existing Building at Raghunathpur School, Ward no-1 under DMC
38867 Construction of new Drain at Bhagawanpur from House of Atul Maity to House of Hari Samanta (Length = 276.00m) in Block - Bhagwanpur-I, P.S.- Bhagwanpur, Dist.- Purba Medinipur.
38868 Construction of 4 Nos. Ghat at i) Angadpur near Nabakishor Sangha, ii) Angadpur Senpara pukur, iii) Angadpur Roypara, iv) Pursha Gram Dawn Pukur, Ward No-37 under DMC
38869 Urgent Construction of inlet (600 mm Dia) on both bank of Panchroll khal from Ch.0.00 Km to Ch. 5.00 Km. in Block- Egra-I, P.S.-Egra, Dist.- Purba Medinipur
38870 Construction of Concrete Road at Chasi Para, Ward No-20 under DMC "
TRN : 505684 |  Durgapur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 10.09 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of concrete road at chasi para, ward no-20 under dmc "

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