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39462 Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Name of Work : Supply of chemicals & consumables related to B.C.C. Programme for water testing laboratories to District Lab under Nadia Division, P.H.E. Dte
TRN : 541562 |  Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 5.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte. name of work : supply of chemicals & consumables related to b.c.c. programme for water testing laboratories to district lab under nadia division, p.h.e. dte
39463 Term Contract for Artificer work at MH ECHS and Supply platoon of Lebong area under AGE I Darjeeling
TRN : 504741 |  Darjeeling - West Bengal
Contract Value : 9.50 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for term contract for artificer work at mh echs and supply platoon of lebong area under age i darjeeling
39464 Oil circuit breaker 3.3kV, 200A, Reyroll England make, of Damagoria colliery.
TRN : 643294 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 58.4 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for oil circuit breaker 3.3kv, 200a, reyroll england make, of damagoria colliery.
39466 Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata. --- Student Hostel of Norman Bethune at Bowbazar --- Thorough repair & renovation work during the year 2018-19.
39467 Repair and Renovation work at the Administrative Building of SDO, Bishnupur in the District of Bankura_SITC of 62.5 KVA Capacity silent DG set with AMF panel.
39468 Laying and joining of 6iN dia MS pipe x 310 mtrs. for Kalimati sump, DBOCP.
TRN : 643302 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 72.8 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for laying and joining of 6in dia ms pipe x 310 mtrs. for kalimati sump, dbocp.
39469 Post Five Year Flood Affected Restoration work of PMGSY road from "T03 at Purba Batabari to T06 at Murti Village Joyantee Village" vide Package No: WB-10-ADB17 in Matiali Block under Jalpaiguri District
39470 Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata. --- Bidhumukhi Girls' Hostel --- Thorough repair & renovation work during the year 2018-19.

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