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911Supply of different materials for Rode side Plantation at Pakhihaga choupathi to Hadda Bari within Matalhat GP within Dinhata I PS AAP No 080512051002
Coochbehar - West Bengal
Contract Value :
2.03 Lacs |Agency Name :
District Magistrate
913Probable Estimate for Tally Pilling of Ponds by the side of roads beside the house of Nirmal Jana, Santosh Baitalik, Pankaj Samanta,
Bhupeshchandra Samanta, Rabindranath Pramanik, Uttam Barai, Rampada Das, Sahadeb Das, Tapas Barman, Madan Manna and
Bankim Manna at Dakshin Kasberia under Ward No. 14 within Haldia Municipality
1)(i) Nirmal Jana Pond = 30.00 mtr. , 2)(i) Rabindranath Pramanik Pond = 30.00 mtr. , 3)(i) Santosh Baitalik Pond = 15.00 mtr.
(ii) Pankaj Samanta pond = 30.00 mtr. (ii) Rampada Das Pond = 15.00 mtr. (ii) Bhupesh chandra Samanta pond = 30.00 mtr.
(iii) Sahadev Das pond = 27.00 mtr. 45.00 mtr. (iii) Uttam Barai Pond = 35.00 mtr.
(iv) Madan Manna Pond = 35.00 mtr. (iv) Tapas Barman Pond = 50.00 mtr.
(v) Bankim Manna Pond = 19.00 mtr. 130.00 mtr.
141.00 mtr.
( The rate are based as per Schedule of rates with latest revision for Building works ( Volume - I ) ( including materials, labour & carriage ) effective
from 1st November 2017 ) including 9th corrigenda effective from 1.11.2019
Haldia - West Bengal
Contract Value :
22.01 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Affairs Department
914Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of IP CCTV camera surveillance system installed at POCP siding-01, Area store, Area Workshop, Magazine house, MIC main gate, Conveyor belts in MIC, Longwall platform and Area Office Building for 03 years.
Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value :
8.25 Lacs |Agency Name :
Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
915"Name of Work: Probable Estimate for Earth Filling in the ground and Construction of Boundary wall of Khanjanchak Primary School under Ward No.- 10
within Haldia Municipality.
1. Length of Boundary wall = 237.00 Mtr
2. No. of Column = 237.00 / 3.00 = 79 Nos
( The rate are based as per Schedule of rates with latest revision for Building works ( Volume - I ) ( including materials, labour & carriage ) effective from 1st November 2017 & including 3rd Corrigenda effective from 04.06.18 ) "
Haldia - West Bengal
Contract Value :
24.84 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Affairs Department