39722Installation, Testing an Commissioning of 11/0.433 KV 315 KVA Indoor Type Transformer, 11KV Switch Gear, Capacitor Bank, Laying of 11 KV Grade, 3 Core, 185 Sq. mm. XLPE Cable, HS Jointing, Laying of 1.1 KV PVC Cable Pipe Earthing including E.I. Appro
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
20.20 Lacs |Agency Name :
Development Authority
39724Construction of R.C.C. Class-A single Lane Road Bridge over Faringachi drainage Khal(South) at Kelenai joining Ekchakka- Kalna village Road at ch 221.00 , G.P.-Kalyanpur Block -Kalna-II,in P.S.
Hooghly - West Bengal
Contract Value :
2.14 Crore |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department