39822Construction of Boundary Wall at Head Work Site with Gate of Bagduar Piped Water Supply Scheme within Banshihari Block, under Balurghat Division, P.H.Engg. Dte. In the District of Dakshin Dinajpur.
Dinajpur - West Bengal
Contract Value :
8.57 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
39826Construction of Boundary Wall with Gate at Head Work Site of Jaharpur Piped Water Supply Scheme within Banshihari Block, under Balurghat Division, P.H.Engg. Dte. In the District of Dakshin Dinajpur.
Balurghat - West Bengal
Contract Value :
17.84 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department
39827Water Water Supply Arrangement to the sources by Installation India Mark -II (100 mm X 40 mm ) Depth 65.60 Mtr. tubewell fitted with Arsenic Treatment Unit with 4 (Four) years O & M, different Three(3) places at Jalangi GP under Jalangi Development Block, Jalangi , Murshidabad ,MSDP(2018-19).
Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value :
6.46 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
39829Installation of LED Street light from Sankarpur Trekker Stand to Sankarpur Sea-Beach via Fishing Harbour (Route Length 0.9 K.M) under Digha Sankarpur Development Authority
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
17.86 Lacs |Agency Name :
Development Authority