You have searched for west-bengal in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

40091 tender for Official Duty Bus facility at Gopanari BP
TRN : 705573 |  Howrah - West Bengal
Contract Value : 78.66 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for tender for official duty bus facility at gopanari bp
40092 Construction and Installation of Piezometric Borewells in ECL command Area under ECL HQ
TRN : 734159 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 3.03 Crore | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for construction and installation of piezometric borewells in ecl command area under ecl hq
40093 Renovation & remodeling of ERCP suit at 3rd floor of SDLD building within the compound of IPGME&R-SSKM Hospital, Kolkata-E.I. work including SITC of airconditioning system (Electrical work)-SITC of On Line UPS system. (Job No. SS/OW/20 of 17-18)
40094 Repair and maintenance of 24 unit A type, 08 unit B type, 8 unit C type and 32 unit NHS (D/S) at Lachipur East Colony under Kajora Area, ECL
40095 RCC Support of main incline (100 mtr) at Khottadih Colliery, Pandaveswar Area, ECL
TRN : 734162 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.77 Crore | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for rcc support of main incline (100 mtr) at khottadih colliery, pandaveswar area, ecl
40096 Construction of Community Drinking water purification plant with spot source for removal of Iron Bacteria etc present in water at Tirat Bus Stand sansad no vii under Tirat Gram Panchayat from 14th FC Basic.
40097 Special Repair to type- V, Block- 'A' Building of SAP, 9th Bn. at Sandhya, Krishnagar, Nadia (Residential) during the year 2017 - 18 (Sl. 03) (2nd Call)
40098 Complete repairing of Magnetic Amplifier unit/panel of EKG Shovel SI. No. HMB-466/S-321 of Dahibari OCP, CV Area.
TRN : 686029 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for complete repairing of magnetic amplifier unit/panel of ekg shovel si. no. hmb-466/s-321 of dahibari ocp, cv area.
40099 Repairing/rewinding of 02Nos. compressor drive motors (5.5 KW,7.5 H.P, 220/415 V,3 phase, A.C induction Motor)) of EKG Shovel SI. No. HMB-466/S- 321 and HMB-467/S-327of Dahibari OCP, CV Area.
40100 Repairing/rewinding of 04(four) Nos. of cooling motors (1.5 H.P.220/415 V,3 phase,1440RPM)) of EKG Shovel SI. No. HMB-466/S-321 and HMB-467/S- 327of Dahibari OCP, CV Area.

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