You have searched for west-bengal in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

6351 Construction of Concrete Road from Mainuddins house to Jibanpur Jumma Masjid at Jibanpur
TRN : 768068 |  Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value : 13.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of concrete road from mainuddins house to jibanpur jumma masjid at jibanpur
6352 Upgradation of earthen road with Cement Concrete from the H/o Zakir Hossain to the H/o Nityananda Roy at Part 15/141 under Magurmari-II GP during 2019-20 under 14th FC
6353 Upgradation of earthen road with CC from Mana's shop to the H/o Hanifa Rahaman Part 15/138 under Magurmari-II GP during 2019-20 under 14th FC.
6354 Construction of RCC slab Culvert near the H/o Narayan Roy at Part No.15/129 under Magurmari-II GP during 2019-20 under PBG (IBRD).
6355 Upgradation of earthen road with CC from the H/O Umesh Roy to the l/o Sahadeb Roy at Part 15/135 under Magurmari-II GP during 2019-20 under 14th FC
6356 Repairing and renovation work of Bungalow of the Additional Executive Officer (SL NO 24)
TRN : 768073 |  Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value : 6.84 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for repairing and renovation work of bungalow of the additional executive officer (sl no 24)
6357 Maintenance of road Baganbari Hari Mandir to Bhuptirpar End of Dharmapur G.P. under Maynaguri PS (SL NO 24).
TRN : 768074 |  Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value : 23.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for maintenance of road baganbari hari mandir to bhuptirpar end of dharmapur g.p. under maynaguri ps (sl no 24).
6358 Maintenance of road PMGSY Singhimari to Thakur Grassery Shop some patches work up to Pakur more Domohani I G.P. under Maynaguri P.S. (SL NO 22)
6359 Maintenance of road Cinema Hall more to Prasanjit Roy house at Maynaguri G.P. under Maynaguri P.S. (SL NO 21)
TRN : 768076 |  Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value : 8.61 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for maintenance of road cinema hall more to prasanjit roy house at maynaguri g.p. under maynaguri p.s. (sl no 21)
6360 Maintenance of road Hare Krishana Sharma house to NH Ramsai road via Khagrabari Girls School and Subhas Das Gupta house under Khagrabari I G.P. under Maynaguri PS (SL NO 20).

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