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6501 Beautification by lying of Chequred Tiles on the Existing concrete road at Suradhani Park at Plot No. 556, Jl No.38, Mouza Khatul at Joypur
6502 Procurement of Madhav make Spares for Capacitor Bank
TRN : 766502 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 4.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for procurement of madhav make spares for capacitor bank
6503 Resuscitation by re-excavation of River Durbachati for a length 27 Km from bifurcation of River Old Cossye at Banskhal to its outfalling point in River Rupnarayan at Sribara along with strengthening of both the embankment in Block-Daspur-I & II, P.S-Daspur, Dist. Paschim Medinipur. [Reach II: From ch.9.723 Km to 18.45 Km
6504 Installation of chaser machine foundation and allied works at workshop of ESP unit under SSPur Colliery.
TRN : 766504 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.09 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for installation of chaser machine foundation and allied works at workshop of esp unit under sspur colliery.
6505 Resuscitation by re-excavation of River Durbachati for a length 27 Km from bifurcation of River Old Cossye at Banskhal to its outfalling point in River Rupnarayan at Sribara along with strengthening of both the embankment in Block-Daspur-I & II, P.S-Daspur, Dist. Paschim Medinipur. Reach I: From ch. 0.00 Km (Banskhal) to 9.723 Km
6506 Hiring of Contractual Agency for shifting loading and transportation of 349980 Te coal for different mines of Sodepur Area for a period of 365 days under Sodepur Area for FY 2020 to 2021.
6507 Repairing/ renovation of 3 nos 50,000 gallon capacity Elevated R.C.C water reservoir staging height 15 mtr for regular water supply at 11 no colony,AB pit and 5 no pit under Kumardihi B colliery.
6508 Renovation of agent, finance, survey, personnel, executive, civil, safety staff, C.D.S room, co-operative and P.F office at ESP unit under shyamsundarpur colliery.
6509 Repairing and maintenance of 05 blocks NHS (D/S) quarter (Block no. 13,17,18,38 and 39) (inside 25 units and outside 48 units) at G.K. unit of Madhabpur colliery under Kajora area.
6510 Repairing and maintenance of B type block no-01 of 03 units at Chakrambati colony of Ghanshyam colliery under Kajora Area
TRN : 766537 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 2.83 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for repairing and maintenance of b type block no-01 of 03 units at chakrambati colony of ghanshyam colliery under kajora area

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